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FPE Small Grant Facility for POs and IPOs Welcomes BCSD Project Proposals

Posted on April 11, 2016

The Foundation for the Philippine Environment (FPE) is extending support to local conservation initiatives anew with the introduction of its Small Grant Facility for People’s Organizations and Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations (SGF-PO/IPO). By making small grants easier to access and apply for, FPE enables and empowers these organizations to initiate, carry out, and monitor community-based biodiversity conservation and sustainable development (BCSD) projects.

FPE’s Small Grant Facility for POs and IPOs was activated for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 and is now available year-round. Proponent organizations may request for up to Php 100,000 funding support for projects with duration of up to 18 months or 1.5 years.

FPE’s SGF-PO/IPO welcomes any BCSD-oriented initiative, including:

  • PO or IPO advocacies on climate change mitigation and/or adaptation;
  • Reforestation in community-resource areas;
  • Mangrove or coastal rehabilitation in ancestral domain or conservation areas; and
  • Documentation of IP knowledge, culture, and traditions on sustainable ecological practices.

To qualify for the Small Grants Facility, an interested organization must be a duly registered, accredited, or recognized Filipino entity with a track record of operation of at least six (6) months. The proponent organization should be operating at least within the barangay level and should have no ongoing project and/or pending accountabilities with FPE.

Proponent organizations are required to submit a concept proposal to FPE in either spoken/oral form shown through a video, or handwritten/typewritten and sent via email, courier, or registered mail. Written proposals may also be personally hand-delivered to the concerned FPE regional unit. Proponents are expected to provide a counterpart fund in cash or in kind (e.g. venue, food, etc.) of at least 10% of the total project cost. Funds from other donors may be considered as part of the counterpart fund, provided that these are indicated in the proposed budget.

Additional details are available through this link, while the proposal format may be downloaded here.

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