- Vision, Mission, Goals
- Our Beginnings
- Governance Structure
- Board of
Trustees - Regional
Committee - Expert
Pool - Management and Staff
- Offices and Units
Healthy ecosystems with rich biodiversity that are valued, sustained, restored, and protected by communities.
Fostering partnerships to have collective impact and benefits on conserving biodiversity and climate emergency.
The seed of FPE was sown in the soil of a newly recaptured democracy. The hands that sowed the seed are many, but they can be clustered into four major sectors: the Philippine government, Philippine NGOs and POs and their coalitions, the U.S. government, and U.S. NGOs.
Having emerged from the dark years of the Marcos dictatorship, the government of President Aquino called on the various sectors of Philippine society to participate in governance. In government, some agencies took the call to heart, while others were more tentative and hesitant. Outside government, the people responded enthusiastically, forming thousands of non-government and people’s organizations, cooperatives and other sectoral aggregations espousing varied ideals and pursuing different objectives. As the decade of the 1980s drew to a close, concern was raised about preserving whatever gains the government and civil society had achieved in working together, albeit not always harmoniously, particularly on how to improve and sustain an environment protection agenda.
An opportunity came when the Philippine government set out on a mission to seek further development assistance from the U.S. in late 1989. The Natural Resources Management Program (NRMP), to be implemented by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), was then under discussion. Originally conceived as a purely policy support program, the NRMP had a small technical assistance budget which provided the venue to push for a substantial, hard cash component to further promote and assist civil society initiatives.
The source of the larger cash component through the NRMP was to be a debt-for-nature swap, similar to but much bigger than the debt swap for the environment arranged earlier by the Philippine and U.S. governments, Haribon Foundation and the World Wildlife Fund-US (WWF-US). A debt-for-nature swap was officially tenable and acceptable: it would relieve the Philippines of part of its huge debt burden. Turning over the proceeds of such a swap to NGO management was seen to be ideal. For one, it would ensure the availability of funds specifically for the environment, something that would be difficult to do if the proceeds were incorporated into the national treasury and therefore available for different political expediencies. Two, it would expand the arena for environment protection to a larger community of stakeholders, which is where protection was believed to be most effective.
Non-government and people’s organizations are not new in the Philippines. They have been a feature of the country’s socio-political life since the 1960s. But never had they received such official encouragement and financial assistance as they did in the years immediately after the EDSA Revolution of 1986. Such space and support enabled them to pursue their social development agendas in different fronts, and even engage the government along the way. Multi-faceted, heterogeneous, rambunctious, energetic and extensive, these groups, networks and coalitions were not about to cut short what they had begun. Moreover, there was a growing recognition of the need to protect the environment from the onslaughts of fast-paced and shortsighted development.
But resources were needed to sustain their work, much more to embark on the challenging and largely uncharted task of environment protection. NGO and PO experience with government-channeled funding was not positive: funds were slow in coming and paperwork was voluminous. Sometimes, program direction was subject to political caprices, and therefore, unpredictable. Their leaders, therefore, saw the urgent need for their organizations to access funds independently of government, unfettered by official restrictions and political whimsy.
Having witnessed the successful implementation of the first debt-for-nature swap in Southeast Asia, NGOs, led by Haribon Foundation, saw the distinct possibility of lobbying the U.S. Congress for a bigger debt swap and earmarking a portion of this directly to Philippine NGOs. This would ensure financial sustainability of the NGO and PO community while, at the same time, reducing Philippine official debt. Thus, in late 1989, environmentalists and NGO leaders formed the NGO counterpart of the Philippine Mission to the U.S.
The Philippine Development Forum (PDF), a network of U.S.-based Filipinos and organizations from the environmental, development, religious and human rights communities, were convinced that part of the U.S. development assistance should be made directly available to smaller citizens’ groups. Formed after the “environment train” in which the NGO counterpart of the Philippine Mission took part, the PDF particularly lobbied the U.S. government to appropriate funds to a wholly Filipino institution that would support NGO initiatives in protecting the Philippine environment.
Acting as the unofficial conduit for Philippine NGO and PO voices, the PDF transmitted to USAID Washington and USAID Manila their agenda and concerns. The agenda had three non-negotiable elements: 1) partnership of a Philippine NGO in the formation of that Filipino institution; 2) selection by Filipinos of that institution’s board of trustees; and 3) non-inclusion of “fraudulent” loans from the Marcos era, such as the loan for the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant.
The Congress of the United States was not averse to the idea of a debt-for-nature swap in the Philippines. They had, after all, completed similar swaps with several governments of Central and South America. But they were not ready to transfer the proceeds of a sizable debt swap to non-government groups in the Philippines. Despite lobbies from Philippine NGOs and their allies in the PDF, and high-level representations by the Philippine government, the U.S. Congress insisted that WWF-US, a recognized U.S. NGO, handle the fund as interim trustee. On the other hand, the Philippine side of the negotiations preferred an entirely Filipino NGO to handle the fund. A compromise was reached: the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP), a Philippine NGO, would work in partnership with WWF-US.
A few months before Mrs. Aquino handed the reins of government to her successor, the Foundation for the Philippine Environment was born. Registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission on January 15, 1992, FPE is considered the largest Philippine grant-making institution outside of government for the environment and sustainable development. It was organized to help reverse the rapid destruction of the Philippine natural resource base through a strategic and integrated conservation program.
FPE came into being after more than two years of lengthy and lively negotiations and contentious debates. But more work needed to be done to nurture it to maturity.
The Philippine is a signatory of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which was negotiated prior to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Entered into force on December 29, 1993, it is one of the most significant and far-reaching environmental treaties ever developed. (From Global Biodiversity Assessment, 1995)
“The objectives of this Convention…are the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources…taking into account all rights over those resources and to technologies, and by appropriate funding.” The Foundation for the Philippine Environment is one mechanism for funding biodiversity conservation in the Philippines. This is provided for in the Memorandum of Understanding among the Philippine and United States Governments and the Foundation signed in April 1993, which established the FPE Environmental Endowment: Article IV, 1.d.
“Except as the Government and AID may otherwise agree in writing, the Foundation shall…Use the investment income received from the FPE Environmental Endowment for the following purposes:
(i) “Conservation of Philippine biological diversity, including terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna;
(ii) “Technical skills and capability building to develop the organizational and technical competence of project proponents to become more responsive to the need for, and to take the initiative for, environmental protection and management of terrestrial and aquatic resources;(
iii) “Community-based resource management projects designed to protect and use natural resources in a sustainable manner, including training programs, community organizing and extension.”
“The NRMP was among the early big Official Development Assistances (ODAs) offered. This ODA was in reality for budgetary support, but it had to have a policy justification…We offered this policy (the logging ban) conditionally as the principal objective of NRMP…In return, we demanded our pound of flesh: a fifth of this assistance should really be spent to defend the policy. AND WE ASKED THAT THE MONEY BE SPENT BY NGOs IN PROJECTS.
“The uniqueness of the Foundation for the Philippine Environment lies in the fact that the endowment fund, created out of ODA, was designed to be managed by non-governmental organizations for non-governmental organizations. In other words, the grantor of the ODA – which is the US government through AID – and its immediate beneficiary – which is the Philippine government through the Department of Finance and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources – are not the holders of the fund. This total surrender of control, I was told, was not standard practice for governments, and that at the time when we were negotiating this fund with AID, it was considered unprecedented, at least for a fund so large.”
Excerpts from “Lessons from a Big Brother,” the Discussion Paper of Atty. Fulgencio S. Factoran, former FPE Chairperson, taken up at the Asia-Pacific National Environmental Funds Forum held in Cebu City, February 1997.
“The decision to go for NGOs and POs is a deliberate one. NGOs and POs in the Philippines have shown a commitment to work on critical concerns, amongst difficulties and conditions of risk. They have shown innovativeness in their approach and flexibility in managing diverse situations. Their numbers are also increasing at a phenomenal rate thereby creating a substantial constituency for sustainable development. More importantly, NGOs and, more so, the POs, many of whom are proponents of grassroots empowerment, are the best bridge to reaching the communities, which are, in the final analysis, the best stewards of the country’s natural resources.
“There is, however, a major strengthening process needed if NGOs and POs are truly to be able to use their full potential in sustainable development efforts. There is need to complement advocacy with technical expertise in providing solutions to complex environmental problems. There is also need to upscale efforts from small pilots to magnitudes that will cover whole ecosystems, create significant impact, and reform policies at the local and national levels. The increasing numbers of NGOs and POs also require more extensive linkages, sharing of information and coordination.”
Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 September 2010 17:19
FPE was created by and for the Philippine non-government organizations (NGOs) and peoples’ organizations (POs). In this way, FPE is broadly represented by the civil society groups who are deeply involved in the Foundation’s programs through the majority membership in the Board of Trustees and the participation in the three Regional Advisory Committees.
The Board of Trustees, the highest governing body of FPE, is composed of 11 members from the NGO, PO, academe, and the private and government sectors. The Board has two members each from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao regions, who all come from NGOs, people’s organizations, or academic institutions located in these regions; four at-large, who may come from any sector, including business, Church and interfaith groups, provided one is from an international NGO; and the eleventh, someone from the Department of Finance or Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, to represent the government.
Once inside the Board, each member acts on his/her personal capacity, and should neither seek nor be expected to promote the interests of the organization he/she is affiliated with.
The members of the Board of Trustees are also members of the Foundation. Once their term as trustees ends, his/her membership to FPE ends, except for the chairperson, who becomes a permanent member of FPE.
To be able to imbue the organization with continuity and institutional memory, which is of great import to governance and policy-making, the FPE governance structure was amended. The governance structure of FPE would now include the former chairpersons of the Board, who have served complete four-year terms. They would become the permanent members of FPE. This amendment was submitted to and approved by the Board and RAC at the March 2005 meeting.
The task of the permenent members are specific: to elect incoming members of the FPE Board of Trustees, along with the incumbent Board, during the annual membership assembly. They could also be asked for advise on governance issues and policy directions from time to time.
The Regional Advisory Committees (RACs) are part of the governance structure of FPE. Only they have the responsibility of nominating individuals to the Board of Trustees. They also advise the Board in policy-making, program development and governance. They provide the crucial link between the Board and the regions from which they come by apprising the Board of the issues, concerns and affirmative actions of the CSOs; they provide the “grounding” necessary for relevant policy decisions. Just like the Board members, RAC members act on their individual capacity once they are inside the RAC, and should neither seek nor be expected to promote the interests of theie mother organization.
It is the Board who determines the number and term of the RACs and confirms ite members from a list of nominees gathered at the regional consultative group meetings. There are three RACs, one each for the main regions of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Each RAC has 15 members.The Board gave the RAC a free hand in developing their composition and rules of membership, and approved the same in 1998.
77 Matahimik Street
Teachers' Village, Diliman
Quezon City 1101, Philippines
Telephone: +63 (02) 8927-9403/8928-8353/8922-3022/7794-5461
Fax: +63 (02) 89223022
Officers of the Board
Mindanao Representative
Term: 2022-2025
Grants Committee Chair
Member at Large
Term: 2024-2026
Luzon Representative
Term: 2024-2026
Finance Committee Chair
Member at Large
Term: 2024-2026
#Youth4Biodiversity Committee Chair
Visayas Representative
Term: 2022-2025
Committee Chairs
Human Resources Committee and Retirement Committee Chair
Luzon Representative
Term: 2022-2025
Knowledge Management Committee Chair
Luzon Representative
Term: 2022-2025
Regional Representatives
Visayas Representative
Term: 2024-2026
Mindanao Representative
Term: 2024-2026
Government Representatives
Government Representative
Term: 2022-2025
Ex-Officio Member
Executive Director
Member / Email | Area/ Region | Inclusive Years |
Gadiel R. Cristalino | Region 4-B | 2020-2024 |
Grace Dorothy G. Vicente | Region 2 | 2020-2024 |
Joyce R. Tolentino | Region 1 | 2020-2024 |
Lita B. Sopsop | Region 4-B | 2020-2024 |
Mattet L. Basia | Cordillera Administartive Region (CAR) | 2020-2024 |
Rodolfo P. Estigoy | Region 3 | 2020-2024 |
Rufo T. Llorin, Jr. | Region 5 | 2020-2024 |
Vicky M. Segovia | National Capital Region (NCR) | 2020-2024 |
Member / Email | Area/ Region | Inclusive Years |
Allen Angelo Quimpo | Region 6 | 2020-2024 |
Aurelio Salgados, Jr. | Region 7 | 2020-2024 |
Dr. Ian Navarrete | Region 8 | 2020-2024 |
Dr. Myrna Ogoc | Region 8 | 2020-2024 |
Nancy U. Estolloso | Region 7 | 2020-2024 |
Member / Email | Area/ Region | Inclusive Years |
Alberto G. Valerio | Region 9 | 2020-2024 |
Fely Lim | 10. South Cotobato-Sarangani-General Santos | 2016 - 2020 |
Fely Lim | South Cotobato-Sarangani-General Santos | 2016 - 2020 |
Fr. Marlon A. Lacal O'carm | CARAGA | 2020-2024 |
Ma. Neri B. Pampilo | Zamboanga-Misamis Occidental | 2020-2024 |
Warnit Y. Lumisita | Region 10 | 2020-2024 |
Member / Email | Area/ Region | Inclusive Years |
Abigail B. Anongos | Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) | 2018-2022 |
Agerico de Villa | National Capital Region | 2010 - 2014 |
Ana Maria A. Ret | Region 4-A (Los Baños, Laguna) | 2018-2022 |
Arlene Lu-Gonzales | Region 1 | 2012 - 2016 |
Carlito Dumulot | Region 3 | 2010 - 2014 |
Celia Austria | CAR | 2010 - 2014 |
Cris C. Panerio | Region 4-A (Los Baños, Laguna) | 2018-2022 |
Crispin D. Ogean | Region 2 (East Nueva Viscaya, Western Quirino) | 2016-2020 |
Dionesa O. Banua | Region 4-B (Puerto Princesa, Palawan) | 2016-2020 |
Eileen Sison | Region 4 | 2010 - 2014 |
Enrile Eniego | Region 2 | 2010 - 2014 |
Esther Roxanne B. Veridiano | Region 1 (Baguio City) | 2016 - 2020 |
Eugenio Roxas | Region 4 | 2010 - 2014 |
Fatima del Castillo | National Capital Region | 2014-2016 |
Fr. Jose Victor Lobrigo | Region 5 | 2010 - 2014 |
Fr. Renato R. Dela Rosa | Region V (Virac, Cataduanes) | 2016-2020 |
Gadiel R. Cristalino | Region 4-B (Occidental Midoro) | 2018-2022 |
Glenn S. Banaguas | National Capital Region (NCR) (Malabon City) | 2016-2020 |
Jimmy A. Khayog | Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) | 2016-2020 |
Julie Sarmiento | Region 2 | 2014 - 2018 |
Leticia San Gabriel | Region 1 | 2010 - 2014 |
Lorena Rivera-Villareal | Region 3 | 2014 - 2018 |
Lourdes Escandor | National Capital Region | 2010 - 2014 |
Lourdes Escandor | National Capital Region | 2010 - 2014 |
Marivic V. Balance | Region V (Naga City) | 2018-2022 |
Miguel Magalang | Region 4 | 2010 - 2014 |
Pablo B. Paet, Jr. | Region 2 (Ayangan, Cagayan Valley) | 2018-2022 |
Rei Panaligan | National Capital Region | 2014 - 2018 |
Reynaldo Naguit | Region 3 | 2010 - 2014 |
Romeo M. Dizon | Region 1 (Baguio City) | 2018-2022 |
Rudy C. Flores | Region 3 (Bataan) | 2016-2020 |
Salvacion Pernito | Region 5 | 2014 - 2018 |
Santiago Cervantes | Region 5 | 2010 - 2014 |
Vernie Diano | Cordillera Administrative Region | 2012 - 2016 |
Member / Email | Area/ Region | Inclusive Years |
Alvir Esguerra Bausa | Region 6 | 2014 - 2016 |
Atty. Andres Lizares-Si | Region 6 | 2010 - 2014 |
Beverly Capena | Region 8 | 2010 - 2014 |
Catherine A. Melody Ruiz | Region 7 (Cebu City) | 2018-2022 |
Danilo J. Bustillo | Region 8 (Tacloban City, Leyte) | 2018-2022 |
Dann T. Diez | Region 7 (Cebu City) | 2016 - 2020 |
Dr. Jessica Salas | Region 6 | 2010 - 2014 |
Dr. Jose Ali Bedaño | Region 6 | 2010 - 2014 |
Dr. Myrna Nicol Ogoc | Region 8 | 2010 - 2014 |
Edwin D. Araña | Region 6 (Iloilo) | 2018-2022 |
Ellen Grace Z. Gallares | Region 7 (Tagbilaran City) | 2016 - 2020 |
Emilia M. Roslinda | Region 7 (Tagbilaran City) | 2018-2022 |
Fr. Herbert Fadriquela, Jr. | Region 7 | 2010 - 2014 |
Grace Q. Domingo | Region 8 (Southern Leyte) | 2018-2022 |
Herminigildo Sanchez | Region 8 | 2014-2016 |
Janet S. Estacion | Region 7 (Dumaguete City) | 2018-2022 |
Joeylyn Biag | Region 8 | 2010 - 2014 |
Jorge S. Ebay | Region 6 (Iloilo) | 2018-2022 |
Josefa Pizon | Region 8 | 2012 - 2016 |
Luna M. Belaong | Region 6 (Iloilo) | 2016 - 2020 |
Luz M. Bador | Region 7 | 2010 - 2014 |
Ma. Ninfa T. Desiree Segovia | Region 6 (Aklan) | 2016 - 2020 |
Maricel Joaquin Jarencio | Region 6 | 2010 - 2014 |
Mario Ian N. Mosquisa | Region 8 (Boronga, Eastern Samar) | 2018-2022 |
Marissa Miguel Cano | Region 8 | 2014 - 2016 |
Marlon N. Divina | Region 8 (Northern Samar) | 2018-2022 |
Melvin Purzuelo | Region 6 | 2020-2024 |
Oliver Gimenez | Region 7 | 2012 - 2016 |
Ricardo B. Peteros | Region 8 (Ormoc City) | 2016 - 2020 |
Roseo J. Depra | Region 6 (Bacolod City) | 2018-2022 |
Virgilio Garay | Region 7 | 2010 - 2014 |
Virginia Jontillano | Region 6 | 2014 - 2016 |
Member / Email | Area/ Region | Inclusive Years |
Abdullah Abby Pato | MagNoCotSuK | 2018-2022 |
Agnes Bolaños | Davao-Compostela Valley | 2018-2022 |
Aproniano Panorel | Zamboanga-Misamis Occidental | 2014 - 2016 |
Arnold Tapere | Caraga Administrative Region | 2018-2022 |
Bonifacio Laborada | ZamBaSulTa | 2018-2022 |
Corazon Mae Baylon | Davao-Compostela Valley | 2010 - 2014 |
Datu Jemuel Perino | Camiguin-Bukidnon-Misamis Oriental | 2016 - 2020 |
Dipunudun Marohom | Lanao Provinces | 2018-2022 |
Emma Hotchkiss | Caraga | 2016 - 2020 |
Engr. Nazario Cacayan | Davao-Compostela Valley | 2010 - 2014 |
Esperancita Hupida | Zamboanga-Basilan-Sulu-Tawi-Tawi | 2016 - 2020 |
Fr. Joey Guillerme Pelino | South Cotobato-Sarangani-General Santos | 2017-2018 |
Imelda Manginsay | Camiguin-Bukidnon-Misamis Oriental | 2014 - 2016 |
Jessie C. Carbon | Sibugay | 2010 - 2014 |
Jotham Pilayre | ZamboMisOcc | 2018-2022 |
Juan A. Paquera | Zamboanga-Misamis Occidental | 2010 - 2014 |
Maria Benita Clamonte | Zamboanga-Misamis Occidental | 2012 - 2016 |
Marilou Elago | Zamboanga-Basilan-Sulu-Tawi-Tawi | 2012-2016 |
Michael P. Daniel | Zamboanga-Misamis Occidental | 2016 - 2020 |
Orlanito Benito | MagNoCotSuK | 2018-2022 |
Orlanito R. Benito | Maguindanao-North Cotabato-Sultan Kudarat | 2010 - 2014 |
Randy Bayate | Davao-Compostela Valley | 2018-2022 |
Rene Pamplona | SocSarGen | 2018-2022 |
Rev. Fr. John Christian Young | Caraga | 2010 - 2014 |
Rey Danilo Lacson | Maguindanao-North Cotabato-Sultan Kudarat | 2010 - 2014 |
Rizalina Amesola | Lanao Provinces | 2018-2022 |
Safia A. Dimatingcal | Lanao Provinces | 2010 - 2014 |
Sis. Susan Bolaño | South Cotobato-Sarangani-General Santos | 2012 - 2016 |
Vernida A. Delicano | Lanao Provinces | 2010 - 2014 |
Vicente Iriberri | Caraga | 2012 - 2016 |
Zuraida Anayatin | SocSarGen | 2018-2022 |
Member / Email | Area/ Region | Field of Expertise | Affiliation |
Adelina Santos-Borja |
Rizal | Limnology, Integrated Lake Basin Management, Carbon Finance, CDM | |
Allan Altamirano
Flora and fauna study | ||
Angelo Almazan
Laguna | Environmental mapping | |
Arturo Manamtam, |
Camarines Sur | Wildlife Biology (Avian, Bats); Environmental Impact Assessment | |
Atty. Gil Gojol
Legal assistance | ||
Atty. Marla Barcenilla
Environmental legal defense | ||
Atty. Ted Bonpin
Legal assistance and training | ||
Benedict Solang |
Baguio City | Indigenous Peoples, Environment and Sustainable Development | |
Blas Hernaes
Flora and fauna research | ||
Carlo Custodio
Wildlife Management, Wetland Management, Integrated Coastal & Resource Management | ||
Danny Balete, |
Manila | Conservation Biology, Protected Area Design and Management, Mammalogy, Biogeography | |
Danny Tolentino
Flora and fauna study | ||
Delbert Rice |
Nueva Vizcaya | Forest Management, Anthropology, Upland Ecology, Cross Cultural Anthropology | |
Dr. Aldrin Mallari |
Manila | Ornithology, Ecology, Conservation Planning | |
Dr. Ana Marie Leung |
Baguio City | Occupational and Environmental Health (particularly in relation to large-scale and small-scale mining operations and pesticide use among farmers) | |
Dr. Angelina Galang
Quezon City | Environmental Science | |
Dr. Arvin Diesmos |
Manila | Herpetology | |
Dr. Domingo Madulid
Manila | Wildlife biology | |
Dr. John Pulhin
Forestry | ||
Dr. Jonathan Anticamara |
Quezon City | Ecology of Protected Areas, Biodiversity Patterns, Process and Conservation, Coral Reefs | |
Dr. Juan Pulhin |
Laguna (Los Banos) | Forestry | |
Dr. Nicomedes Briones
Laguna (Los Banos) | Agricultural and resource economics | |
Dr. Perry Ong |
Quezon City | Wildlife Biology, Ecology, Biodiversity Conservation | |
Dr. Rafael Guerrero III
Laguna (Los Banos) | Agribusiness management | |
Dr. Rex Victor Cruz
Laguna (Los Banos) | Forest resources management | |
Dr. Roberto Arano |
Isabela | Natural Resource Management, Integrated Conservation and Development | |
Dr. Rodel D. Lasco, |
Laguna (Los Banos) | Climate Change, Forestry | |
Dr. Rowena Boquiren |
Manila | Environmental Research, History | |
Eduardo E. Queblatin
Local governance in environment | ||
Elinita Daño
Quezon City | Policy research and development communication | |
Emilyn Espiritu
Aquatic Toxicology, Environmental Management & Policy | ||
Errol Gatumbato |
Manila | Biodiversity Assessment, Protected Areas | |
Ferdinand Flores
Community organizing and fisheries | ||
Jean Caleda
Quezon City | Biology and protected areas | |
Jose Ma. Mendoza
Quezon City | Alternative law | |
Jose Roberto Guevarra
Quezon City | Environmental impact assessment | |
Ma. Cecilia Alarcon-de Jesus |
Mandaluyong City | Social Development, Organization Development, Social Research, Gender Mainstreaming, Community-based coastal Resource Management | |
Marcelo Caleda
Quezon City | Forest ecology and wildlife studies | |
Mariliza Ticsay, |
Laguna (Los Banos) | Environmental Research and Education | |
Mariliza Ticsay-Ruscoe
Laguna (Los Banos) | Ecology | |
Marlito Cardenas
Makati City | Environmental management | |
Maureen Loste |
Baguio City | Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, Indigenous Peoples' Rights | |
Nathaniel Bantayan
Laguna (Los Banos) | Forest resources management | |
Peter Walpole
Quezon City | Upland management | |
Prof. Aleli Bawagan, |
Quezon City | Community Development | |
Prof. Emelyn Espiritu |
Quezon City | Aquatic Toxicology, Environmental Management Policy | |
Prof. Fabian Dayrit |
Quezon City | Environmental Chemistry | |
Prof. Teresita Perez |
Quezon City | Limnology and Riparian Ecology | |
Rodrigo Custodio |
Nueva Ecija | Rural Development, Organic Farming and Sustainable Agriculture, Disaster Risk Management, Community Tourism | |
Ronello V. Peñas
Flora and fauna research | ||
Samuel Balinhawang |
Nueva Vizcaya | Participatory Land Use Mapping, Upland Community Development, Land Tenure, Community Organizing, Project Management | |
Steven Rood
Baguio City | Research/ indigenous peoples | |
Sylvia Mesina |
Quezon City | Environmental Advocacy, Urban Gardening | |
Teodoro Villanueva
Laguna (Los Banos) | Surveys- ecosystems management |
Member / Email | Area/ Region | Field of Expertise | Affiliation |
Adelfo Virtudazo
Capiz (Dumarao) | Social forestry | |
Agustin Docena |
Samar | Community Organizing, Seminar/Training Facilitation and Moderation, Financial Management, Accounting, Auditing, Lobbying | |
Alice Magos
Iloilo City | ||
Amado Blanco |
Lapu Lapu City | Coastal Resource Management, Marine Protected Area Creation and Governance | |
Arch. Soccor Atiga
Watershed Management and Governance | ||
Atty. Rose Liza Eisma-Osorio, |
Cebu | Environmental Policy and Institutional Framework, Project Development Monitoring and Evaluation | |
Casiano Catapang |
Cebu | ||
Datu Jemuel Perino |
Cebu | Watershed Management | |
Dr. Angel Alcala |
Dumaguete | Biology, Biodiversity, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), Vertebrate Ecology | |
Dr. Apolinario Cariño |
Negros Oriental | Mammalogy, Ornithology, Integrated Water Resources Management, Biodiversity Conservation, Rainforestation | |
Dr. Ely Alcala
Dumaguete City | ||
Dr. Gerard Penecilla
Iloilo City | Biochemistry | |
Dr. Hilconida Calumpong
Marine biology | ||
Dr. Jaime Sanico
Crop production and management, seeds technology | ||
Dr. Jessica Salas |
Iloilo | Watershed Management | |
Dr. Margarita Dela Cruz |
Tacloban | Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Community-based Coastal Zone Management, Community Organizing | |
Dr. Nichol Elman
Dumaguete City | Environmental science | |
Dr. Paciencia Milan |
Leyte (Baybay) | Natural Resource Management, Forest Restoration, Rainforestation, Coastal Resource Management, Pest Management | |
Edgardo Mangaoang
Leyte (Baybay) | Forest resources management | |
Engr. Rolando Delorino
Northern Samar (Catarman) | Upland/ coastal resource management | |
Evelyn Belleza |
Iloilo | Economics, Business Management, Marketing, Local Governance | |
Evelyn Nacario |
Cebu | Social Development | |
Fe Walag, |
Cebu City | Watershed Management | |
Fr. Tito So Quino |
Cebu City | Ecological Evangelization | |
Jesus T. Racuyal
Marine and mangrove research, resource management | ||
Joel de Castro
Iloilo City (La Paz) | Terrestrial/ marine ecosystem, Wild medicinal plants | |
Jose Ingles
Iloilo City (La Paz) | ||
Lorena Navallasca |
Antique | Community Organizing, Paralegal Development, Resource Management | |
Lucia Lastimosa
Iloilo City | ||
Ma. Aleta Nunez |
Bacolod | Environmental Law | |
Marilou Ang Lopez
Iloilo City | ||
May Segura-Ybanez, |
Cebu | Environmental Governance, Social Marketing, Watershed Management | |
Medardo Namocatcat
South Cotabato (General Santos City) | Forest resources management | |
Michael Angelo Cusi
Cebu City | ||
Moonyeen Alava
Dumaguete City | ||
Mr. Nygel Armada
Iloilo City | ||
Nenita Calumpong
Agriculture | ||
Perla Magsalay
Cebu City (Banawa) | ||
Prof. Ali Bedaño, |
Iloilo | Chemical and Energy Engineering, Food Engineering and Processing, Biomass Energy (including Biogas and Gasification Technology), Climate Change Adaptation/Mitigation, Research and Statistics, Waste Management, Equipment and Plant Design | |
Raul Paler
Coastal resource inventory | ||
Renee Paalan
Dumaguete City | Biodiversity and sustainable development | |
Reynic Alo |
Bacolod | Sustainable Agriculture and Agri-Enterprise Development and Management | |
Roberto M. Ybañez
Development planning | ||
Rodolfo Aragon
Forestry, Watershed management | ||
Roy Olsen de Leon
Dumaguete City | ||
Stuart Green
Tagbiliran City | Biology | |
Vince Cinches |
Cebu | Coastal Concerns, Community Development, Climate Change Resiliency, Renewable Energy | |
Wilfredo Campos
Iloilo City | Marine biology |
Member / Email | Area/ Region | Field of Expertise | Affiliation |
Abonawas Pendaliday |
Cotabato City | Forestry | |
Alma Monica de la Paz |
Davao City | Forest Tenure | |
Antonio Obsioma |
Davao City | Livestock Production, Solid Waste, Participatory Resource Appraisal, Community Organizing, RSA/PRA | |
Aurelia Luzviminda Gomez |
Davao City | Natural Resource Management, Natural Resource Valuation | |
Dr. Nina Ingle |
Davao City | Conservation Ecology, Bats, Environmental Education, Forest Regeneration | Ingle Trust Foundation of Davao, Inc. |
Dr. Proserpina Roxas |
Naawan | Ecology, Research | |
Dr. Victor Amoroso |
Bukidnon | Botany, Biodiversity, Pteridophytes and Economic Plants | |
Jayson Ibanez |
Davao | Indigenous Peoples, Biodiversity Field Surveys, Raptor Research | |
Jose Andres Ignacio |
Bukidnon (Malaybalay) | Geomatics, Water Resource Management, Modeling, Climate Change Adaptation | |
Josephine Migalbin |
Kabacan | Agriculture, Animal Science, Climate Change | |
Lourdes Simpol
Davao | Environmental Chemistry, Water | |
Luisito Gelmo |
Koronadal City | Financial and Business Management, Organizational Development | |
Prof. Della Grace Bacaltos |
Davao City | Marine Science, Aquaculture, Coastal Resource Management | |
Prof. Erlinda Burton |
Cagayan de Oro | Ecological and Medical Anthropology, Archaeology, Ethnography | |
Prof. Randell Espina |
Davao | Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Hydro-power), Information Technology (Image/Signal Processing and Controllers) | |
Ruth Gamboa |
Davao City | Biology, Marine Biology, Watershed Management, Water Management | |
Salome Sendrejas |
Davao City | Forestry | |
William Adan |
Misamis Oriental | Integrated Coastal Resource Management, Environmental Management, Policy Development and Analysis |
Member / Email | Area/ Region | Field of Expertise | Affiliation | Inclusive Years |
Atty. Marvic Leonen
Quezon City | Environmental laws | 1994-1996, 1999 | |
Celia Manlapig Austria
Quezon City | Zoology, Environment science | 1997-1999 | |
Dan Lagunzad
Quezon City | Biology | 1997-1999 | |
Daniel Guillen
Davao City | 1994-1996 | ||
Dr. Evelyn Caballero
Makati City | 1994-1996 | ||
Dr. Filomena Campos
Cavite (Dasmariñas) | 1994-1996 | ||
Dr. Miguel Fortes
Quezon City | 1994-1996 | ||
Dr. Pedro Alviola III
Laguna (Los Banos) | 1994-1996 | ||
Dr. Pedro Gonzales
Manila | 1994-1996 | ||
Dr. Ponciano L. Bennagen
Quezon City | 1994-1996 | ||
Dr. Roger Posadas
Quezon City | 1994-1996 | ||
Dr. Romulo del Castillo
Laguna (Los Banos) | 1994-1996 | ||
Ernesto Guiang
Quezon City | 1994-1996 | ||
Justo Rojo
Laguna (Los Banos) | Forestry | 1997-1999 | |
Leonard Co
Quezon City | 1994-1996 | ||
Lourdes Valerio
Botany | 1998 | ||
Ma. Paz Luna
Quezon City | 1997 - 1999 | ||
Maureen Pagaduan
Quezon City | Social work | 1994-1999 | |
Mercedes Logarta
Quezon City | 1994-1996 | ||
Mr. Michael Pido
Makati City | 1994-1996 | ||
Patrick Dugan
Manila | 1994-1996 | ||
Rene Garrucho
Davao (Matina) | 1994-1996 | ||
Socorro Cubarrubia
Baguio City | 1994-1996 | ||
Teresita Deles
Quezon City | 1994-1996 | ||
Ullrich Boener
Makati City | Geography | 1997-1998 | |
Valerio Mendoza
Zambales (Subic) | 1994-1996 | ||
Vic Milan
Quezon City | 1994-1996 |
Member / Email | Area/ Region | Field of Expertise | Affiliation | Inclusive Years |
Dr. Romeo Dizon
Capiz (Mambusao) | 1994-1996 |
Member / Email | Area/ Region | Field of Expertise | Affiliation | Inclusive Years |
Abraham Uy
Cagayan de Oro City | Marine biology | 1997-1999 | |
Arjan Heinen
Development planning | 1998-1999 | ||
Arline Cubero
Davao City (Matina) | Environmental planning | 1997-1999 | |
Asuncion de Guzman
Misamis Oriental | Marine resources management | 1994-1996, 1997-1999 | |
Dennis Salvador
Davao City (Matina) | Captive breeding | 1997-1999 | |
Deolito Alavejo
1996 | |||
Dominador Dizo
Davao City | Soil science | 1997-1999 | |
Dr. Amado Exile, Jr.
Bukidnon (Musuan) | Forestry | 1994-1999 | |
Dr. Deolito Clavejo
Bukidnon (Musuan) | Forest ecology | 1994-1995, 1997-1999 | |
Dr. Edmundo Prantilla
Environmental accounting | 1998-1999 | ||
Dr. Eduardo Araral
Davao City (Matina) | 1994-1996 | ||
Dr. Hospicio Conanan
Environmental impact assessment | 1998-1999 | ||
Dr. James Lakandula
Upland resource planning | 1998-1999 | ||
Dr. Jose Arances
Bukidnon (Musuan) | Forest resources management | 1994-1999 | |
Dr. Rose Fundador
Marine/ coastal research | 1998-1999 | ||
Elpidio Octura
South Cotobato (General Santos City) | Soil and water conservation | 1994-1999 | |
Engr. Edgar Ruby
Environmental impact assessment | 1998-1999 | ||
Engr. Engracio Paye
Mining | 1998-1999 | ||
Grace Rosell
Davao City (Buhangin) | Wildlife studies | 1997-1999 | |
Greg Macabodbod
Cagayan de Oro City | 1994-1996 | ||
James Namocatcat
South Cotobato (General Santos City) | 1994-1996 | ||
Mario Luis Jacinto
Davao City (Buhangin) | 1994-1996 | ||
Martin Stahlhut
Geographic information systems | 1998-1999 | ||
Merian Bravante
South Cotobato (Koronadal) | Environmental advocacy | 1997-1999 | |
Norbert Alipao Jr.
Forestry laws | 1998-1999 | ||
Prof. Robert Monoy
Upland resource planning | 1998-1999 | ||
Rebecca Cruz
Environmental laws and policies | 1998-1999 | ||
Rodrigo Matabaran
Livelihood research | 1998-1999 | ||
Venancio Pinque, Jr.
Institution-building | 1998-1999 | ||
Willard Duran
Survey and mapping | 1998-1999 |