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Push for EPIRA Amendments for Sustainable Watershed Management Gains Momentum After Successful National Consultation

Posted on March 7, 2014

BUHITA President Datu Aligpulos (Apolonio Timbangan) turning over the finalized policy proposal.

BUHITA President Datu Aligpulos (Apolonio Timbangan) presenting the finalized policy proposal that was turned over to the DOE and ERC.

The two-day National Consultation on Energy Regulation (ER) 1-94, as amended, and UC-EC (universal charge and environmental charge) provisions of the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 (EPIRA, or Republic Act No. 9136), organized by the Foundation for the Philippine Environment (FPE) with support from the European Union and Fundacion Desarrollo Sostenido (FUNDESO), concluded with promising prospects for future developments last March 4, 2014, Tuesday, at the Sequoia Hotel in Quezon City.

The event, entitled “National Consultation on ER 1-94 and UC-EC: Redefining Benefits and Revenues Sharing Mechanisms to Host Communities for Sustainable Watershed Management,” was designed to develop more inclusionary guidelines to promote more holistic, inclusive, and efficient sustainability mechanisms in watershed management, marked its completion with the successful turnover of proposed guiding principles and amendments to ER 1-94, as amended, and UC-EC to the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Energy Regulation Commission (ERC).

FPE Board of Trustees member Atty. Rose Liza Eisma-Osorio is the lead author of the policy and guideline proposals submitted to DOE and ERC at the end of the event.

FPE Board of Trustees member Atty. Rose Liza Eisma-Osorio is the lead author of the policy and guideline proposals submitted to DOE and ERC at the end of the event.

The consultation workshop engaged stakeholder representatives from relevant IP and civil society organizations, the academic community, and agencies such as the Department of Energy (DOE), Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), National Power Corporation (NPC), Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management, Corp. (PSALM).

Participants from NGOs, academe, government agencies, and tribal groups from Luzon and Mindanao pay close attention to the presentation of the policy proposals that the consultation aimed to improve prior to turnover.

Participants from NGOs, academe, government agencies, and tribal groups from Luzon and Mindanao pay close attention to the presentation of the policy proposals that the consultation aimed to improve prior to turnover.

Among the said administrative guidelines that arose during the consultation is the establishment of a localized, multi-sectoral Watershed Management Council to foster partnerships towards improved and integrated watershed resource management activities. It was also stated during the consultation that for a more inclusive and efficient sustainability mechanism to be implemented, the law should define a watershed as (in the context of ER 1-94 and the UC-EC) “the topographic and hydrological boundaries that starts from the highest ridge, where surface runoff starts to flow, to the point of the last scheme of water utilization, which is the hydro or geothermal power plant.” By such definition, the consulting group believes that these amendments will benefit indigenous peoples’ communities, the real stewards of our watersheds, and ensure that this source of water and energy is seriously protected and holistically managed.

In a symbolic turnover ceremony to cap the two-day activity, government representatives headed by Congressman Reynaldo Umali, Chairman for the Committee on Energy, ERC Executive Director Atty. Francis Juan, DOE Representative Mr. Josue Balacuit, and Watershed Management Department Manager Mr. Emanuel Umali accepted the finalized policy proposals from FPE Chairperson Mr. Nestor Carbonera and NCIP Chairperson Atty. Leonor Quintayo.

Hon. Rey Umali, Chair of the House Committee on Energy and Mr. Josue Balacuit, OIC on Rural Electrification Administration and Management Division of the DOE (first and second from left) headline the recipients of the finalized policy proposals in this photo-op following the successful turnover ceremony.

Hon. Rey Umali, Chair of the House Committee on Energy and Mr. Josue Balacuit, OIC on Rural Electrification Administration and Management Division of the DOE (first and second from left) headline the recipients of the finalized policy proposals in this photo-op following the successful turnover ceremony.

The resulting proposals for improved administrative guidelines for the EPIRA provisions are intended to serve merely as the short-term target for FPE’s advocacy on sustainable watershed management involving the said law. The Foundation envisions that success in this immediate goal will not only pave the way for IP communities to gain access to their due benefits and resources in light of their role in watershed protection, but also provide substantial input and momentum in the longer-termed pursuit of reforms in legislation dealing with the nation’s power resource management.

All participants of the National Consultation event were in good spirits at the end of the two-day activity.

All participants of the National Consultation event were in good spirits at the end of the two-day activity.

Update (3/10/2014): The official post-event newsletter of the National Consultation on ER 1-94 and UC-EC is now available for download. Simply click here to access your copy.

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