Today is March 09, 2025
Today is March 09, 2025

From The Chairperson

2016-11-10 | 6th Population, Health & Environment National Conference | Closing Message

Dr. Lourdes R. Simpol

FPE Board of Trustees Chair and CEO, FY 2016-2020


Event: 6th Population, Health & Environment National Conference

Date: November 8-10, 2016

Venue: The Heritage Hotel, Pasay City


During the past three days, our presenters have showed us concrete evidences that the world and our country are faced with population, health and environment concerns -  challenges which reverberate from the global, the national and down to local communities.

We may be considered lucky to have tried and tested various approaches to address the challenges of the times since 2002.  This includes the adoption and implementation of the integrated population, health and environment as an integrated approach to decrease the incidence of poverty, assure food security, reverse the depletion of marine and terrestrial resources, increase the access of people to reproductive health and family planning services and improve child and maternal health and nutrition --- issues that are in the forefront of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Integrating the PHE program is another strategy to enhance population resiliency in relation to the threats posed by climate change.  Several strategies have been proposed at the international and national levels but these still have to be implemented.

Now, we are posing a challenge to all of you, conference participants, to continue mainstreaming the PHE approach by including its priority concerns, strategies and tools in local and national development plans to ensure healthy people living in a healthy environment in the country’s pursuit of the SDGs as embodied in the conference’s advocacy plans. 

The call is for our national and local governments to exercise exemplary leadership to champion the cause of people and community resiliency in addressing the impacts of climate change which are projected to have very negative effects on the Philippines’ development gains.  The PHE approach provides them with a feasible option.

The question according to Leonardo diCaprio, United Nations Messenger of Peace for Climate Change, is, “Can we change our course IN TIME?”

I believe that the message is clear for everyone here.

Before we end, I want to acknowledge the conveners of this conference, the Foundation for the Philippine Environment, Commission on Population and the Department of Health. I also want to thank the sponsors, Foundation for Sustainable Society, Inc., Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation, Ramon Aboitiz Foundation, Inc., Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change, and the Knowledge 4 Health of the USAID. This gathering will not be possible without you all.

Good morning to all of us and have a safe travel back home. Thank you very much!

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