Today is March 10, 2025
Today is March 10, 2025

2006 Regional Consultative Group Meeting: Lanao Provinces and CamBuMisOr Bioregions

  • Proponent: Mindanao State University - Naawan Foundation for Science and Technology Development, Inc.
  • Amount: 337,000.00
  • Project Start Date: March 01, 2006
  • Project End Date: April 30, 2006
  • Grant Type: Institutional Building Grants
  • Area: Mindanao
  • Grant Status: Past

Project Goals and Objectives

The convening of the RCGs in the Lanao Provinces and CamBuMisOr Bioregions will provide a venue for information sharing on biodiversity conservation and sustainable development, updating on FPE's development and generating nominations for the RACs and Board of Trustees. In particular, the RCG consultations are expected to provide the following: a. share updates/information and initiatives on biodiversity conservation and sustainable development at the global, national and regional/local levels; b. report on FPE major institutional 2004-2005 accomplishments, strategic directions through the National Environment Agenda (NEA) and other organizational issues and concerns; c. update the list of Experts Advisory Panel (EAP) in the bioregions/cluster for on-going, future and sustained engagement for FPE; d. nominate candidates for RAC's (2006-2008) in each bioregions and generate list of regional nominees for the FPE Board of Trustees (2006-2010); and e. meeting of RAC en banc in the island region with EAP members in the region to clarify and maximize roles in FPE on CARRESI operationalization in the regions.

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