Today is March 10, 2025
Today is March 10, 2025

Changing Landscapes in the Environment and Natural Resources Sector: Strategies and Practical Solutions

  • Proponent: Philippine Federation for Environmental Concerns
  • Amount: 95,500.00
  • Project Start Date: November 16, 2005
  • Project End Date: March 15, 2006
  • Grant Type: Advocacy Grants
  • Area: Luzon
  • Grant Status: Past

Project Goals and Objectives

Highlight the discussion on the lifting of the logging ban in Samar Island and the policy changes that the DENR Secretary had initiated that is tantamount to an open-door policy logging; Provide a venue for planning on the next steps to counter the pressing issue


Outputs and Outcomes

The congress was able to get the participation of 51 individuals from various sectors from different areas of Luzon to discuss natural disasters, taking off from the Sierra Madre landslides, and the role of human activities in aggravating such calamities. Resource persons discussed key topics that pertain to the technical of bio-physical, socio-economic and political aspects of terrestrial concerns as well as coastal and marine issues. Discussions during the first half of the congress revolved around studies, experiences as well as frameworks and strategies to address landslides and related concerns. The event produced a set of recommended actions with identified responsible agencies as well as a "Statement of Convergence" signed by the participants.

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