Today is March 10, 2025
Today is March 10, 2025

Citizen Governance for Ridge to Reef Ecosystem Conservation in Silago, Southern Leyte

  • Proponent: Ocean Resource Center (ORC)
  • Amount: 200,000
  • Project Start Date: January 08, 2018
  • Project End Date: June 08, 2018
  • Grant Type: Constituency - Building Grants
  • Area: Visayas
  • Grant Status: Past

Project Goals and Objectives

Overall, the project aims to protect critical ecosystems and biodiversity of Southern Leyte province, particularly Mt. Nacolod and the marine protected areas (MPAs) along the Pacific coast. 

Outputs and Outcomes

The project will thus have the following key outputs: 
1) action plan endorsed by the both LGU and Federation of CSOs that  indicates opportunities for collaboration particularly within the framework of the Silago MCDP, outlines how they can work together especially in the context of ecosystem conservation and resource management, and ultimately refines the agenda and goals of the partnership. 
2) a data repository and archive of reports, ordinances, news, publications, educational materials, and multimedia and other information resources pertaining to Silago’s environmental resources, which will then be made publicly accessible and online by Phase 2.  This data repository is a useful tool not only for ORC to craft a more informed proposal for Phase 2 but eventually for LGU and the CSOs to make timely and better decisions.  Furthermore, it will provide its users a clearer picture of the previous conservation accomplishments and initiatives in Silago and will assist in identifying critical gaps in information and research.   
3) proposal that will make the action plan implementable during Phase 2 of the project. It will be drafted by ORC and it will contain, among others, the results of the CSO needs assessment previously done by ORC as well as recommendations and other outputs from LGU-CSO partnership workshop. It will also contain a plan to build the capacity of CSOs as partners in Silago conservation management.
4)  a joint resolution of SFPC and  MOA of  the  LGU-CSO partnership in the ecosystem conservation and resource management of Silago. It will be drafted by the steering committee of the SFPC (to be facilitated by ORC) and signed by the Silago LGU, the SFPC, and ORC


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