Today is March 10, 2025
Today is March 10, 2025

Citizens Consultation on Low Carbon Economy for the Philippines

  • Proponent: Partido Kalikasan Institute, Inc.
  • Amount: 41,715.00
  • Project Start Date: March 10, 2011
  • Project End Date: May 30, 2011
  • Grant Type: Advocacy Grants
  • Area: National
  • Grant Status: Past

Project Goals and Objectives

To facilitate a broad consensus among CSOs and various stakeholders nationwide on the operative definition of what a "Low Carbon Economy for the Philippines" would look like in terms of policies, and programs in the next 5 years through direct influence of the Medium term Philippine development Plan (MTPDP 2011-2016). Specific objectives include: to 1. conduct a national consultation to involve CSOs representatives representing basic sectors from most of the regions of the country on an operative definition of what a Low Carbon Economy for the Philippines and define a roadmap towards reaching this long-term goal; 2. develop specific policy and program recommendations to the final process of the MTPDP formulation clearly articulating the consensus on low carbon economy; 3. conduct three island region consultations to validate the results of the national consultation as well as build the constituency for pushing this consensus in the succeeding process of the local-national investment planning and budgeting that follow the MTPDP process.

Outputs and Outcomes

PKI used the results of the consultations to integrate specific policy and program recommendations (strategies, targets, proposed projects) to the MTPDP formulation. PKI coordinated with NEDA and other relevant entities to put forward the alternative development proposition output from the national citizen's consultation.

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