Today is March 10, 2025
Today is March 10, 2025

Green Convergence Solidarity Contingent to the Feb 23 Morong, Bataan Anti BNPP Mass and Rally

  • Proponent: Brotherhood of Destiny
  • Amount: 10,000.00
  • Project Start Date: February 18, 2009
  • Project End Date: March 05, 2009
  • Grant Type: Advocacy Grants
  • Area: National
  • Grant Status: Past

Project Goals and Objectives

This project is aimed at ensuring the participation of Green Convergence in the Morong, Bataan Mass-Rally on February 23. At the end of the project, the following should have been achieved: 1. organize a substantial contingent from Green Convergence member groups to join the Mass-Rally; 2. hold a strategic meeting with key local groups and leaders from Morong, Bataan to establish initial plans for joint lobbying in Congress; 3. secure at least two major media coverage of the Feb 23 mass-rally and Green Convergence support; 4. produce popular briefers on the issue and Green Convergence analysis and position; and 5. send letters highlighting on the growing opposition against the BNPP to all legislators.

Outputs and Outcomes

10 representatives from Green Convergence attended the mass-rally in Morong, Bataan and expressed their strong solidarity with the people of Morong against the possible re-commissioning of the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant. The convener and the spokesperson of Green Convergence spoke in the mass-rally, respectively emphasizing the possible health risks the power plant might bring, as well as its effects on food production and biodiversity protection, and warning the government of endangering the lives of people should it decide to re-activate the reactor. The representatives of Green Convergence also continued their lobby work in the House of Representatives, wherein two congresswomen expressed their willingness to withdraw their support from H.B.4631 once the bill has been validated to be not safe and not viable.

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