Today is March 10, 2025
Today is March 10, 2025

Mangrove Cover and Coral Reef Assessment and Initial Restoration and Environmental Education in Selected Threatened Shoreline Communities in Ilocos Sur,

  • Amount: 743,000.00
  • Project Start Date: June 18, 2012
  • Project End Date: July 19, 2013
  • Grant Type: Research Grants
  • Area: Luzon
  • Grant Status: Past

Project Goals and Objectives

Objective 1.To generate public awareness on the impact of large mining to the Abra River and the communities around it.


Expected Result:


  • Shoreline communities of Ilocos Sur, particularly Caoayan and Santa are educated on the effects and impact of large mining and magnetite mining in particular, and make informed decisions as communities on large mining applications covering these municipalities;

  • More advocates support and join environmental advocacy groups Save the Abra River Movement (STARM), Save our Santa (SOS) and Defend Ilocos;

  • Local government units and local government agencies such as the Department of Environment and Natural Resources are lobbied;

  • Community campaigns and struggles are covered by the mainstream tri-media;



  • At least three community meetings and FGDs in the municipalities of Santa, Caoayan, Vigan, Quirino and Cervantes are held, involving atleast 200 community members in every meeting

  • At least 20 leaders (men, women, elders and youth) each from Santa, Caoayan, Vigan, Quirino and Cervantes are part of 5 cross learning activities with Mankayan leaders

  • 10 roundtable discussions are held involving at least 20 individuals from the academe, church, etc.

  • Five leadership training skills are held in Santa, Caoayan, Vigan, Quirino and Cervantes involving at least 30 community leaders in each training

  • At least 10 media activities, documented in photo and video; news clips of published stories and interviews


Objective 2.To assess the natural resources of Santa and Caoayan in Ilocos Sur , and identify the threats posed by large mining therein.


Expected Result:


  • Community folk of Caoayan, Santa and advocacy groups like STARM, SOS and Defend Ilocos participated and contributed to the research;

  • Baseline data is gathered regarding threats of large mining to the natural resources of Santa and Caoayan, Ilocos Sur.

Outputs and Outcomes

  1. Provision of project outputs like research results and training modules to First Party;

  2. Submission ,within the project term, of a sustainability plan;

  3. Narrative and photo documentation of all project activities with the training modules and research outputs to be submitted as separate documents as stated above;

  4. Inclusion of community presentation and validation in the activities;

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