Today is March 10, 2025
Today is March 10, 2025

Philippine Biodiversity: Principles and Practice

  • Proponent: Haribon Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources
  • Amount: 132,655.00
  • Project Start Date: February 07, 2006
  • Project End Date: February 15, 2007
  • Grant Type: Advocacy Grants
  • Area: National
  • Grant Status: Past

Project Goals and Objectives

The following are the specific objectives of the project: the book would have explained the meaning of biodiversity from scientific and social perspectives, and would have introduced the concept of environmental ethics as well as discussed how it can influence the conservation of biodiversity; and, the authors would have establish a monitoring and evaluation mechanism to ensure that the published book is widely distributed to (1) local government units/local government agencies, (2) academe, and (3) civil society.

Outputs and Outcomes

2000 copies of the book have been published. The book has 495 pages and has 12 chapters which explain the following: biodiversity at species, genetic, ecosystem and landscape levels; the need to conserve biodiversity; the types of conservation measure which integrates the concept of environmental ethics; and the relevant conservation priorities and actions. A distribution strategy has been designed to ensure that copies of the book will be circulated widely, as well as a feedback strategy to determine its usefulness.

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