Today is March 10, 2025
Today is March 10, 2025

Resource Valuation Training for Mining-Affected Communities

  • Proponent: Mediators Network for Sustainable Peace, Inc.
  • Amount: 130,000.00
  • Project Start Date: September 29, 2008
  • Project End Date: December 28, 2008
  • Grant Type: Constituency - Building Grants
  • Area: National
  • Grant Status: Past

Project Goals and Objectives

The project seeks to publish the results of the national conference on community mediation with the theme "Community-Based Mediation: Filipino Communities as Peace Builders." Specifically, the project, through the conduct of the conference aims to enable participants to: appreciate the different perspectives and models of community mediation based on local stakeholders' experiences; do analysis of community mediation in the Philippines; identify common advocacy areas, and possible ways for continuous sharing of experiences and lessons, as well as coordination in the promotion of community mediation; agree to develop a compendium of mediation cases for publication; and express support for the setting up of a resource center on community mediation.

Outputs and Outcomes

A total of 66 MedNet members and guests from various sectors attended the conference. Summary of the nine cases were included in the documentation of the proceedings of the conference. Participants identified during a workshops some of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of mediation in the Philippines, as well as advocacy areas and challenges to MedNet. They also agreed to develop a compendium of mediated cases and expressed their support in establishing a resource center in community mediation. A lecture regarding the critical paths of community mediation was given in the conference. 500 copies of 'The Mediator,' which will contain the proceedings and highlights of the conference is being published and will be distributed.

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