Today is March 10, 2025
Today is March 10, 2025

Strengthening Partners: Community Solutions to Waste Management

  • Proponent: Mother Earth Foundation, Inc.
  • Amount: 139,700.00
  • Project Start Date: October 01, 2008
  • Project End Date: May 31, 2009
  • Grant Type: Constituency - Building Grants
  • Area: National
  • Grant Status: Past

Project Goals and Objectives

The general objective of this projects is to enhance the effectiveness of MEF's interventions by analyzing and documenting the successes, challenges and solutions that partner organizations are experiencing in the implementation of ESWM plans. Specifically, to: 1. improve the effectiveness of MEF training in ESWM; 2. increase the number of successful ESWM plans in communities trained by MEF; 3. increase the capacity of MEF to carry out monitoring and evaluation programs; and 4. create a database that records the current status of ESWM in all MEF partners.

Outputs and Outcomes

MEF was able to determine the sustainability of the ESWM program and assess MEF-LGU partnerships in implementing ESWM. Solid waste problems and management practices of LGUs and the strategies and intervention activities of MEF were identified. MEF was also able to contact its past partners and develop a database of LGUs that have availed MEF support and the status of ESWM in their respective areas. Based on the study, the success of waste segregation and MRFs depends on the active participation of local people and the political will of their leaders. LGUs have improved their segregation practices after MEF intervention; with the LGUs' practices, residual wastes were reduced. Some MRFs were short-lived. The garbage problem follows a cyclical pattern, but most LGUs view it as linear, solving the tail end of the problem by endorsing harmful technologies (e.g. landfill) but failing to address its root cause (excessive consumerism and poor disposal practices).

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