Today is March 10, 2025
Today is March 10, 2025

Sustaining Legal Advocacy and Campaign Towards the Protection of the Watershed Forest Reserves (Phase II)

  • Proponent: Balay Alternative Legal Advocates for Development in Mindanaw, Inc. (BALAOD-Mindanaw)
  • Amount: PhP 1,994,500.00
  • Project Start Date: September 01, 2013
  • Project End Date: October 31, 2014
  • Grant Type: Environmental Defense
  • Area: Mindanao
  • Grant Status: Past

Project Goals and Objectives

To sustain the legal advocacy and campaign about the importance of biological diversity conservation and protection of the 43,601-hectare watershed in Surigao del Sur through strengthening and expansion of paralegal formation and the coalition.

Outputs and Outcomes

Component 1: Strengthening of Community-Based Paralegals and Community-based Organizations
Critical Activities Outputs
Community groundworking List of paralegals trained finalized and turned-over to the Coalition and paralegal network
Conduct of Training Needs Assessment (TNA) POs selected potential paralegals
Advanced Paralegal Training Updated and enhanced knowledge and skills of existing paralegals on different environmental laws and environmental procedures
Enhance paralegal skills on campaign and advocacy skills
Basic Paralegal Training Capacitated community advocates with basic paralegal skills and knowledge of the law
Community advocates as new paralegals come up with a Community Campaign Plan
Campaign Core Group formalized in the municipalities of Cantilan, Carmen, Madrid, and Lanuza
Profiling of participants for IP Mandatory Representation Training Identify the final participants for the IP Mandatory Representation Training
Conduct of 4 paralegal clinics and tactic session/community visit Monitoring/updating of paralegal plans and strategize
Updated and monitored status in the community vis-à-vis the actions taken by paralegals in the community and status of the community
Drafted 4 new modules Revised and improved toolkit
Reprinting of the Paralegal Toolkit Printing of updated Paralegal toolkit
Conduct of series of campaign orientation for Carac-an Watershed protection Number of Community member from different municipalities of Surigao del Sur gain knowledge on the status of the campaign for Carac-an Watershed protection
Point person from different municipalities identified
Plan per municipality for the support to the campaign for Carac-an Watershed protection formulated
Conduct of IP Skills and Knowledge on IP Governance Training Number of IP representative gain deeper knowledge on IP governance
Paralegal assembly All trained paralegals come together to formulate province wide plan for environmental protection
Network of paralegals established and formalized
Paralegal coordinators/point persons identified
Component 2: Local and National Policy Reform Advocacy and Campaign
Critical Activities Outputs
Attended congressional hearing on NLUA Projected the mining threat to watershed
Participated in the national network strategizing for AMMB Policy proposals discussed and validated
Presented policy proposals
Conducted research for AMMB, NLUA, and FRB Participation in the finalization of the NLUA Bill
Drafted and released flyer on Cantilan and NLUA Highlight Cantilan Issue in support for passage of NLUA
Reproduction of advocacy materials Printed and disseminated advocacy materials to the local and national audience
Participated in the National Conference on NLUA and Business Business sector expressed support on the passage of NLUA
Finalization of local ordinance Finalized draft of local ordinance
Finalized discussion on the  local ordinance with some SB officials of Cantilan, Carmen, Lanuza, and Madrid, Surigao del Sur, in a Legislative Forum SB members, paralegals and other organizations agree and commit their presence in a legislative forum
Series of policy discussion with paralegals and SB officials Local ordinance framework presented to paralegals and some SB officials
Lobbying for sponsorship of local ordinance and repeal of a local resolution SB officials agree to sponsor the ordinance and passed in the local Sanggunian
SB officials amend controversial resolution
Local mobilization Local mobilization initiated by the paralegals
Component 3: Coalition Strengthening and Networking
Critical Activities Outputs
Meeting with local partners/coalition Strengthened and expanded local coalition for the protection of the watershed forest reserves
Tactic session with community-based paralegal coordinator and VSAC
Discussion with Baywatch and its partners for sustainability
Discussion of strategies within which to assist the paralegals in the realization of the plans identified
Meeting with Coalition members Discussed certain strategies and plans to sustain campaign plans
Meeting with SOS-YB Discussed strategies and developments of the members of the Network and the status of the campaign
Convergence Forum of Surigao del Sur Pro-Environment Advocates Gather stakeholders of Surigao del Sur for consolidation of like-minded advocates

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