Today is March 10, 2025
Today is March 10, 2025

Sustaining Rainforestation Agenda through the RFRI Network

  • Proponent: Haribon Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources, Inc.
  • Amount: 1,999,140
  • Project Start Date: March 16, 2017
  • Project End Date: June 15, 2017
  • Grant Type: Advocacy Grants
  • Area: National
  • Grant Status: Past

Project Goals and Objectives

Undertake more strategic approaches in mainstreaming the use of native species in the country through public awareness and policy advocacy, knowledge management and capacity building

Outputs and Outcomes

Conduct of 3 conferences with 100 participants each in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao ; Enhancement of RFRI website (addition of feature stories of community partners [1 community partner per month]); Conduct of exhibits and participation in at least 4 public conferences (local and international); Identification of at least 3 LGUs to be trained in rainforestation and the establishment of 3 demonstration sites in Luzon through the RFRI Regional Cluster; Conduct of 3 proposal writeshops for regional clusters to directly connect trainers to funders; Establishment of collaboration and partnership with academe/ research institutions (ground work for the support of RFRI’s research agenda); Presentation of research agenda to interested groups/individuals; Consolidation and production of 500 copies of small booklet on the new RF innovations and technologies (to be given during RFRI exhibits and events); 3rd issue of comics; Philippine native  trees poster; 4th issue of PANAO newsletter; Weekly poster for online distribution; Increase publicity in social media and other sites; Create partnerships and collaborations with potential members of the RFRI network like PFEN, RAFI, and other private companies with available CSR funds; Institutionalization of the improved RFRI Financial and Operational Sustainability Mechanism; Conduct of 16 RFRI meetings; Development of guidelines, plans, strategies, and framework for RFRI committees; Participation in at least 2 trainings to enhance capacity of RFRI members

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