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Today is March 10, 2025


After 21 Years, FPE Continues Fostering Partnerships for a Better Environment

Posted on January 17, 2013

Since its founding on January 15, 1992, the Foundation for the Philippine Environment (FPE) has been a reliable partner of countless organizations throughout the country—catalyzing cooperation, marshaling resources from other donors, providing grants, and rallying stakeholders from various sectors to conserve natural resources that sustain communities.

FPE arrived when environmental degradation had reached a critical state across the archipelago. Forest cover estimated at 90 percent (27 million hectares) at the beginning of Spanish colonial rule in the 16th century had dwindled to just eight million hectares in the 1980s. Lowland forests disappeared almost entirely, while mangrove forests were displaced by fishponds, human settlements and industrial areas.

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