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FPE in Full Support of Lapat System of Education for Tubo, Abra

Posted on January 29, 2014

The signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) among the Maeng IP groups of Tubo, Abra and the DepEd and NCIP bureaus of the said area extend a gesture of collaboration after the official signing of the document. Mr. Nestor Carbonera, Chair and CEO of FPE (second from left), represented the Foundation's full support as a signing witness.

The signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) among the Maeng IP groups of Tubo, Abra and the DepEd and NCIP bureaus of the said area extend a gesture of collaboration after the official signing of the document. Mr. Nestor Carbonera, Chair and CEO of FPE (second from left), represented the Foundation's full support as a signing witness.

The recent signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) among the indigenous cultural communities/indigenous peoples (ICCs/IPs) of Maeng-Tubo, Abra; the Department of Education-Abra (DepEd-Abra) office; and the National Commission of Indigenous Peoples-Abra (NCIP-Abra) was witnessed and fully backed by the Foundation for the Philippine Environment (FPE).

The MOU formally establishes “lapat,” an indigenous knowledge and practices system developed through generations among the Maeng, as the ideal response to the national mandate to protect, develop, and manage ancestral domain in the said area.

As a tangible result of the agreement, the concerted efforts of the parties involved has led to the development and publication of Lapat System educational instruction modules. These modules, created in two variations for the elementary and high school levels, are comprehensive tools designed to help teachers and other educators in Tubo, Abra to impart and propagate the inherent environmentally aware and responsible values of the traditional lapat system. Also effected under the MOU’s provisions is the collaboration among the signatory parties to integrate the Lapat System educational modules in public elementary and secondary level school curricula.

The covers of the Lapat learning modules for elementary (left) and secondary (right) levels.

The covers of the Lapat learning modules for elementary (left) and secondary (right) levels.

The MOU was signed last January 15, 2014 by Hon. Mayor Guilbert Ballangan of Tubo, Abra and Tipon ti Umili Para iti Panangsaluad ti Nakaparsuan (TIPON) Chairman Mr. Mariano A. Dangatan (representing the ICCs/IPs); Mr. Amador D. Garcia and Ms. Magdalena B. Binong of DepEd-Abra; and Atty. Russell A. Bragas and Ms. Elsa B. Dioayan of NCIP-Abra. The Foundation graced the event as witness to the signing, as represented by Mr. Nestor Carbonera, Chair and CEO of FPE.

The current revival and promotion of lapat among the Maeng of Tubo, Abra is considered as one of the key impacts that resulted from FPE’s previous and ongoing projects implemented through the support of the European Union through Fundacion Desarollo Sustenido (EU-Fundeso) and the UNDP-GEF Small Grants Programme.

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