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FPE Salutes Outgoing RAC, Welcomes New Ones

Posted on July 25, 2012

The Foundation for the Philippine Environment (FPE) recognizes the contributions of the Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. They have been very instrumental in determining the respective regional environmental agenda. The issues identified as common in the regions served as basis for the National Environmental Agenda of FPE.

On July 19, 2012, the term of some RAC members came to a close, as new additional members, elected during a series of Regional Consultative Group (RCG) meetings, were sworn-in. The new RAC members and regional coordinators who will serve from 2012-2014 are as follow:

Luzon: Coordinator – Prof. Celia Austria; New members – Ms. Arlene Lu-Gonzales (Region 1), Mr. Ronald Allan Bamacha (Region 2), and Ms. Vermie Yocogan-Diano (CAR).

Visayas: Coordinator – Ms. Ellen Grace Gallares; New members – Ms. Jessica Salas (Region 6), Dr. Oliver Gimenez (Region 7); Mr. Hermie Sanchez and Josefa Pizon (Region 8).

Mindanao: Coordinator – Fr. John Christian Young (with permanent alternate with voting rights, Sr. Susan Bolanio); New members: Mr. Jessie Carbon and Dr. Marilou Elago (Zamboanga), Ms. Ma. Benita Clamonte (ZamboMisOcc), Ms. Imelda Maginsay (CamBuMisOr), Mr. Vicente Iriberri (CARAGA) and Ms. Corazon Baylon (Davao).

The respective RAC for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao come from NGOs, people’s organizations, academic institutions and other development and environment groups. They advise the FPE BOT on policies, program development and governance; and nominate incoming members of the Board.


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