Today is March 10, 2025
Today is March 10, 2025


Ms. Arceli Tungol is FPE's new Board member

Posted on August 6, 2020

Ms. Tungol replaces Ms. Jacqueline “Jill” K. Cariño as the Luzon Representative and will serve for two years.

Ms. Arceli “Cel” Tungol is the founder of the Philippine Native Tree Enthusiast in 2013 and a former Trustee of the Philippine Native Plant Conservation Society, an NGO founded by Leonard Co, the premier botanist.

Through her hobby in photography and  as a passionate native tree advocate, she is able to create awareness of our Philippine native trees through her photographs.  She was the lead photographer for Philippine Native Trees book series from 101 to 303 and another volume will be coming soon. She is also a co-author of the book, Manual on Nursery and Outplanting of Beach Forest Tree Species.

Ms. Cel is a graduate of the University of the Philippines in Diliman and has a certificate on Community and Stakeholder Engagement in the Conservation, Restoration and Management of Topical Forest Landscape in Environmental Leadership Training Institute, Yale University.

She worked in Citibank, Philippines as a Senior Executive for 26 years prior to her retirement in 2017. She is a mother of two beautiful children.


                    “We all need to make a contribution no matter how big or small to save our fragile

                    environment. Our first step is to understand our biodiversity and take action on threats we see right in front of us”

                    - Ms. Cel Tungol, New FPE Trustee


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