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REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: Consultancy Services for Crafting a Conservation Management Plan for the Gigantes Group of Islands, Carles, Northern Iloilo

Posted on April 29, 2020


The Gigantes Group of Islands in Carles, Iloilo has been classified as a High Urgent Conservation Priority Site under the Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priority Setting Program (PBCPP). It is home to the endemic Gekkonid Lizard (Gekko gigante) classified by the IUCN as vulnerable to extinction, and the critically endangered Gigante Wrinkled Ground Frog (Platymantis insulatus). Gigantes is also home to a diverse fauna consisting of ten (10) species of bats, eighty-two (82) avifaunal species of which forty-four are new records for the island (PROGRESO, 2012). Recent coastal and marine assessment revealed 60% hard live coral cover, eight (8) species of seagrass, and nine (9) species of mangroves (UPV Ocean Bio Lab, 2018). Through a consultative process, Gigantes Islands is included among the six priority sites under FPE’s Strategic Plan (2015-2025).

Working closely with the Municipal Government of Carles and the members of the Gigantes Islands Convergence (GIC), particularly the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), among others, the Foundation funded a project entitled, Building Resilient and Sustainable Small Islands Communities (BRSSIC) from 2016 to 2019 implemented by the University of the Philippines Visayas Foundation, Inc. (UPVFI). The project accomplishments included the formation of the Island Sustainable Development Alliance (ISDA), an alliance of fishers in four (4) barangays in Gigantes organized to ensure that local communities’ participation in development and conservation initiatives of the island.  The project also facilitated community organizing, awareness raising and policy advocacy.  Significant accomplishments were the formulation and initial crafting of management plans namely, a Unified Marine Protected Area Management Plan, Sustainable Tourism Management Plan, and a Cave and Cave Resources Management Plan.  These plans are critical to help the stakeholders of the Island, like the communities/CSOs, DENR, BFAR and the local government develop short and long-term management strategies for natural resources and biodiversity conservation.


Many of the initiatives in Gigantes need follow-through interventions started by the project. There is a need to sustain the conservation initiatives ISDA amidst the increasing influx of tourists and setting up of businesses without a coherent and comprehensive natural resources and development framework and programs. Also, robust convergence support is needed to effectively address resource, policy and planning gaps that could jeopardize initial gains and accomplishments. Lessons from the project indicated the need and clamor for Gigantes Islands Conservation Management Plan (CMP), which will help the Convergence  to address emerging issues and problems: 1) presence of illegal fishing activities; 2) poor implementation of RA 9003--Act Providing for Ecological and Solid Waste Management Program; 3) poor health and sanitation practices; and 4) unsustainable tourism, among others.


This engagement will entail the completion of the aforementioned plans that would serve as inputs to a collaborative visioning with local stakeholders, such as the Island Sustainable Development Alliance (ISDA), DENR-CENRO, and the Carles Municipal Government, among others of the 5-year Gigantes Island Conservation Management Plan (CMP). The resulting documents, described below, aim to help decision-makers at the local level plans for effective resource management as well as policy advocacy formulation and enforcement.


The formulation of the participatory 5-year Gigantes Island CMP, as well as the Unified Marine Protected Area Management Plan, the Sustainable Tourism Management Plan, and the Cave and Cave Resources Management Plan shall be participatory, literature review of previous and existing plans, previous studies, and existing policies at the barangay level to the provincial levels, as appropriate.

This consultancy service will undertake various tasks, such as, but not limited to the:

  • Submission of a project proposal using FPE’s proposal template and include an accepted standard and evidence-based methodology,
  • Submission of a work plan indicating a proposed timeline for each deliverable, ensuring participation and buy in of government and non-government stakeholders involved;
  • Obtaining inputs, feedback, and buy-in of the draft plans from the community, private sector, local governments, CSOs/POs, and other stakeholders;
  • Reporting and updating FPE on major activities conducted on site.

The selected consultant, team of consultants or organization will submit the following deliverables to be presented to FPE and key local stakeholders of Gigantes for approval:

  1. Draft Five-year Gigantes Island Conservation Management Plan;
  2. Draft Unified Marine Protected Area Management Plan;
  3. Draft Sustainable Tourism Management Plan; and,
  4. Draft Cave and Cave Resources Management Plan;

Additionally, the selected consultant/organization will also deliver the following:

  1. Documentation of proceedings of key activities such as site visits, consultations, FGDs, KIIs including publication ready photos, social media posts and any articles covered by various media platforms if there’s any; and,
  2. Submission of end of project narrative and financial reports following the prescribed FPE template with original receipts.

The completion of the collaborative 5-year Gigantes Island Conservation Management Plan shall be completed on a six (6) month duration, with expected start on or before June 2020.  


The Consultancy Service has a maximum limit of Four Hundred Thousand (PHP 400,000.00) Pesos only. The amount shall include all applicable government taxes and charges, professional and incidental costs incurred by the Consultant during the performance of activities covered by the PSC Contract such as, but not limited, to the cost of conducting meetings, printing and reproduction costs, transportation costs, and all other expenses.


Interested parties are requested to submit the following documents to according to the following timelines:

1.  Submission of Expression of Interest (EOI) and organizational and or individual information for pre-qualification of eligibility. Deadline: May 8, 2020

For organizations, submit EOI together with the filled-up organizational registry form.  See the attached form.

For Individuals, submit  EOI and a Curriculum Vitae (maximum of 3 pages)

2.     Full - Blown Proposals

Only pre-qualified organizations and individuals will be asked to submit a  full-blown proposal using the attached FPE proposal format  to include but not limited to the following:

  • Comprehensive analysis of available literature and baseline data. Available project data and relevant  information will be provided only to a qualified organization and or individual
  • Methodology on achieving the deliverables, in consideration of challenges under a community quarantine
  • Proposed composition of the team, their expertise and manpower required to execute the project with copies of their respective CVs (maximum of 3 pages each) as attachment
  • Budget (see attached template)


Deadline: May 30, 2020

For detailed information about FPE:

Click here to download FPE Proposal templates:


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