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Sarihay in Focus: “Pamana's tragic end” by Jesse Pizarro Boga

Posted on September 2, 2016

(Second in a thirteen-part series on the 2nd Sarihay Media Awards winners)

Jesse Pizarro Boga, in the wake of the shooting of Philippine Eagle Pamana last August 10, 2015, probes into the state of the critically endangered King of Birds, in “Pamana’s tragic end.”

Boga interviews Philippine Eagle Foundation Executive Director Dennis Salvador, who “called on the public to be more involved with environmental protection especially when endemic animals like the Philippine Eagle are concerned. These eagles, with only a few number [around 400 pairs] in the wild, have high endemic value and play very important roles in the food chain.

Salvador commented that it’s difficult to find out why some people shoot the eagle, even if this proves to have no real benefit to them. Threats to the survival of the Philippine Eagle persist amid efforts of PEF and its partners to educate the public about it the importance of the national bird to the ecosystem.”

Read the full report here.

Published in the Mindanao Times last August 20, 2015, the piece bagged the Best News Story in a Regional Newspaper award in the 2nd Sarihay Media Awards last August 26, 2016. 

FPE, along with its partners, seeks to explore the potential of community-led monitoring and protection of eagles ( especially IPs/ICCs in their ancestral domain ) as a strategy towards biodiversity conservation


The Sarihay Media Awards recognizes the role of the media in promoting awareness and deeper understanding of environmental and sustainable development issues among policymakers, decision makers, and the public. The campaign honors media practitioners who delivered outstanding and responsible reportage of environmental news in the past year. The term "Sarihay" comes from the Filipino phrase, "Samu't Saring Buhay", which aptly describes the “diversity of life,” or biodiversity.

The 3rd Sarihay Media Awards will be open for submissions in early 2017. 


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