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Today is February 27, 2025


Sarihay in Focus: "Para-Enforcer" by Johndel Semilla & Alvin Veri

Posted on September 14, 2016

(Seventh in a thirteen-part series on the 2nd Sarihay Media Awards winners)

Para-enforcer, a video by Manila Bulletin’s Johndel Semilla & Alvin Veri, features the Environmental Para-Enforcers of the Palawan NGO Network, local environmental defenders of Palawan. The documentary delves into the life of a para-enforcer, and the risks that come with the major issues they face—mining, logging, and illegal fishing. The para-enforcers are an organized citizen effort to guard the natural resources and deter illegal environmental activities in the province.

Watch the full documentary here.

Mining remains to be top priority in FPE's National Environment Agenda (NEA), due to its negative impacts on effective biodiversity conservation and sustainable development (BCSD) efforts. Read FPE's policy brief on mining here

Published last November 14, 2015, "Para-Enforcer" bagged the award for Best Online Documentary in the 2nd Sarihay Media Awards, last August 26, 2016.


The Sarihay Media Awards recognizes the role of the media in promoting awareness and deeper understanding of environmental and sustainable development issues among policymakers, decision makers, and the public. The campaign honors media practitioners who delivered outstanding and responsible reportage of environmental news in the past year. The term "Sarihay" comes from the Filipino phrase, "Samu't Saring Buhay", which aptly describes the “diversity of life,” or biodiversity.

The 3rd Sarihay Media Awards will be open for submissions in early 2017. 

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