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Today is February 27, 2025


The Mission to Protect the Ozone Layer Continues

Posted on September 15, 2014

The ozone layer shields the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation or UV-B rays from the sun. In the 1970s, scientists discovered that the ozone layer was thinning due to ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). These chemicals were mostly used in industries as refrigerants, foam-blowing agents, aerosol propellants, and pesticides.

Recognizing that the ozone layer is vital for all forms of life on Earth to thrive, and the urgent need to arrest ozone layer depletion, an international treaty known as the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer” was signed in 1987. The protocol stipulates the phasing out of ODS within a given timeframe. It specifies that both the production and use of these substances must be stopped by year 2010.

According to the United Nations Environment Programme, the Montreal Protocol has proved effective in limiting damage to the ozone layer and there are signs that the ozone layer will start to recover in the next few years.

The Philippines as a signatory to this landmark international treaty has also reported some headway in meeting its targets on phasing out ODS in the country; but admitted that it has yet to solve illegal importation, illegal trade and mislabeling of ODS, and is still finding appropriate modalities to totally destroy stockpiles of these substances, among many other challenges.

FPE Director Godofredo Villapando Jr. believes Government programs and solutions in phasing out ODS are necessary and can be accelerated if coupled with organization and individual awareness and support.

“As health hazard resulting from too much UV radiation could be fatal, we all need to start examining, for example, if our respective offices have phase-out plans for air-conditioning units, refrigerators, and fire extinguishers containing ODS; and if our homes are already safe from products with CFC compounds,” Villapando said.


Sources and Links to Ozone Layer Preservation Information:

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